EDO 2024 Polls: Youth Empowerment Will Take Centre Stage In My Govt. If Elected Governor – Engr. Ikhine

EDO 2024 Polls: Youth Empowerment Will Take Centre Stage In My Govt. If Elected Governor – Engr. Ikhine

By Ehichioya Steve Odion

The need for the practical involvement of the youth in the governance of Edo State to engender concerted development took the center stage on Friday when Engr Gideon Ikhine addressed leaders and members of the All Progressives Congress in Ikppba Okha and Uhunmwode local government areas of Edo State

Ikhine, a foremost aspirant for the Edo 2024 governorship contest on the platform of the APC said the failure by successive governments to effectively, meaningfully engage the youth was responsible for the absence of actual growth and development, assuring that his administration when elected governor will make youth engagement the central focus of the administration.

He said if the youths are properly empowered they will not involve in social vices and other things that may serve as distraction. He advised the youths to work hard and take the coming election seriously and work for him to emerge as the party’s candidate because he is in the race and working for a brighter future for them.

The Odiboh-Oba expressing his appreciation to Engr Ikhine vision on Tourism in showcasing Bini Kingdom values

He further said that he does have an ambition but a vision to restore the glory of Edo and its people, adding that unlike craving for the exalted office of governor as could be perceived in the voult ambitions of some politicians all bent against the interest of the ordinary Edo people, but for their self enrichment as well as their family, friends and associates.

“I’m not running for the governorship because I am an Esan man. But I’m running because I’m a son of Benn Kingdom as well. I want Edo people to buy into my vision in order to restore hope for the people”.

“I’m one of the best candidates who actually prepared for this Governorship project having worked night and day to carry out a research in order to be abreast with the problems of Edo State before embarking on this journey”.

He said his plan is to remove APC from opposition in Edo State with the support of Party members in the state, adding that he is the only candidate that can achieve that for the party having grown a broad support base cutting across the three senatorial districts.
He therefore appealed to the leadership of the party to give him the party’s ticket and vowed to dislodge other guber candidates from other political parties in the state.

Continuing, he said in order to be able give Edo people a speedy development he will try and reduce the cost of governmance because the essence of governance is to reduce the sufferings of the people and make sure they live a better life.

He again called on the leadership of the party to consider him for the job and promised to give proper accountability to the leadership of the party and Edo people in general.

In their responses, the chairmen of the respective local government areas visited, Hon. Sunny Ogbewe and Rt. Hon. Osawe Osajemwenre said that with the program presented by Engr. Gideon Ikhine it simply means that the party has gotten a candidate that will win election for the party.

They appealed to the leadership of the party to consider competence and capability of the respective aspirants to win election for the party and not to compromise by presenting a weak candidate that will fail the party.

Edo 2024: Ikhine meet with LGA chairmen.

Edo 2024: Ikhine meet with LGA chairmen.

Today, I had the privilege of being in the midst of our state APC LGA leaders. During my address to state local government party chairmen, I urged members to rally behind and support me in the primaries, emphasizing that the people attract the leaders they desire.

Gideon Ikhine in a group photograph with  LGA APC chairmen
Gideon Ikhine in a group photograph with LGA APC chairmen

I briefly discussed my plans to invest in tourism, agriculture, infrastructure, and the restructuring of the civil service.

Hon. Oscar Aghedo, the Ovia North East LGA Party chairman, expressed gratitude for my presentation, acknowledging my passion for developing Edo State and appreciating my knowledge and experience.

Gideon Ikhine presenting his vision to the LGA APC chairmen
Gideon Ikhine declare his vision to the APC State WC

Gideon Ikhine declare his vision to the APC State WC

This afternoon, I had the privilege of meeting with the State Working Committee of my party, the APC. I informed them of my intention to run for the office of Governor in Edo State in the upcoming 2024 election.

During the meeting, I had the opportunity to share my vision with the committee. My vision entails a transformative approach aimed at making Edo State a top choice for residents and visitors alike. This transformation will be achieved through a revolution in various key sectors, including industry, agriculture, tourism, and transportation.

Following the productive meeting with the State Working Committee, I was joined by my dedicated supporters and well-wishers for the official dedication and opening of my campaign office. This event was an excellent platform for me to engage with members of the press, where I fielded questions and highlighted some of my plans to revitalize the state’s economy and infrastructure.

In the days to come, I will embark on a state-wide tour to connect with our party leaders and stakeholders. I am committed to seeking their support and understanding as we work together to bring about the positive change that Edo State deserves.

My mission is to lead Edo State into a brighter and more prosperous future, and with the support of our party and the people of the state, I am confident that we can achieve this goal. Together, we will build a better Edo State for all.



Engr Gideon Ikhine resigned from Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) in 1997 to establish Nugi Limited, an Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) company. Within 10 years after its establishment, Nugi Limited grew to become a major player in the Nigerian construction industry employing hundreds of Nigerians. Nugi Limited as at today, has over 350 permanent staff in its employment. Through dedication and hard work, which are the attributes of Engr Gideon Ikhine, he has been able to build a Nigerian construction company that can compete with the likes of Julius Berger and Mother Cat.

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Edo 2020: Igueben LGA PDP leaders visitation

“He who the Lord has ordained, He goes forth to make his path”.. So seems to be the destiny of Engr. Gideon Ikhine.

Friday the 13th of September, 2019, the good people of Igueben LGA in Edo Central Senatorial District awoke to the presence of Engr. Gideon Ikhine and his entourage on a Ward Leaders familiarization visit; which visit saw the aspirant consult with leaders spanning the 11 wards of the LGA. The candidate was well received and applauded for his humility in reaching out to each ward’s leaders in their various local constituents. 

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