Edo 2020: Igueben LGA PDP leaders visitation

“He who the Lord has ordained, He goes forth to make his path”.. So seems to be the destiny of Engr. Gideon Ikhine.

Friday the 13th of September, 2019, the good people of Igueben LGA in Edo Central Senatorial District awoke to the presence of Engr. Gideon Ikhine and his entourage on a Ward Leaders familiarization visit; which visit saw the aspirant consult with leaders spanning the 11 wards of the LGA. The candidate was well received and applauded for his humility in reaching out to each ward’s leaders in their various local constituents. 

Accompanying the aspirant were seasoned and highly respected PDP party stalwarts from Esan West LGA, amongst which is Chief Dr. (F.E) Ulifun and various ward leaders.  Chief Ulifun who described the candidate as his own son, implored the various ward leaders to join hands with Engr Gideon to bring development to the Senatorial District and Edo State at large.

Chief Ulifun went a little down history lane, informing the august occasion that he was one of the three party men of the then UPN Party who urged the late sage Prof Alli to run for the office of governor of then Bendel State. He said he did so because he believed in the person of Prof. Alli as having the capacity and good will to bring development to Bendel state, and his expectation of the late Prof. was not disappointed.

Forty years after the governance of Prof. Alli, he says he is grateful to God to be given another opportunity to encounter a son of the soil, from the same community as the late Alli, having the vision to contest for the State governorship election in 2020. He is most grateful because the qualities that endeared him to the late Prof. are visibly present in Engr. Gideon Ikhine. He likened Engr. Gideon to the then governor of Bendel State in character, heart, integrity, dignity, humility, capacity and resolve to deliver good governance and empower the people of Edo State. He believes that if given full support, Engr Ikhine will continue with the development of the late Prof. Alli and even attempt to surpass it.

Coincidentally, in all the wards visited, the words of the party stalwart was reiterated by a majority of the ward leaders. They echoed in accord that the humanitarian endevours of Engr. Gideon precedes him. Even amongst the ward leaders who had never met with the candidate, they pointed out that the fame of the aspirant as a non partisan esan man had long reached their hearing and some lighly added that they had been praying for the day they will meet the man Gideon. And as one of the leaders succinctly put it,” another Alli has come”

Receiving the aspirant, Chief Barr. Omi Imoisili,secretary to PDP Edo state chapter and leader of Ward 1 advised the aspirant to embark on soliciting the support of the leaders of the other senatorial districts to achieve mandate of the aspirant. He pledged his full support,stating that Gideon is his brother and friend and he believes in his vision.

Leader of Ward 9 Deacon Ijekwame, thanked the aspirant for taking on the huge responsibility of repositioning the state for glory. He enjoined the aspirant remain focused on the task ahead and shun discordant voices.

Prince Solomon Edobor leader 2, Ward 10 Ekpon community, pledged his personal and ward support to the aspirant and assured the aspirant that he has keyed into the vision and taken it up as his own.

Mr Francis Otoibhi, leader 1 of Ward 3, assured the candidate that he is a part of this project already and that the aspirant can count on his ward to deliver for the candidate.

Addressing the elders of Idumoka Community in Ward 3, leader 2  chief Akhimiemona spokesperson for the other pdp elders of the community present at the visit commends the candidate for making the visit around the communities, it shows that he is a grassroot politician and that indeed has the interest of the people at heart. He went further to say that the emergence of the aspirant as a candidate is an emergence of Igueben people as well, because they are all one. He declared the support of the community in endorsing the candidate. 

Chairman of Igueben LGA Liberty Ugboh of Ward 8 received the aspirant in the company of his Ward Leaders Mr. Alex Alele and Mr Imadujemu Amen. The ward leader, speaking on behalf of the chairman, equally acknowledged the fame of the candidate. Mr. Alele prayed for the candidate and pledged the support of Ward 8 to the candidate, pledging that he will ensure the ward works tirelessly to achieve the vision of Edo state Governorship.

The chairman of Igueben LGA, speaking after, outlining his personal relationship with the aspirant,peldged his support and that of the LGA as a whole.

In his response, Engr. Gideon Ikhine thanked the various leaders for their warm reception, prayers and words of encouragement. He pleaded with the leaders to stand strong in their support.

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