Gideon Ikhine, to unlock the hidden treasures of Edo State, where history meets hospitality. Together, let's build a thriving tourism industry that ignites economic growth, preserves our cultural heritage, and welcomes visitors with open arms.

Exploring Edo State: Unveiling the beauty and heritage within. Together, we will revitalize our tourism industry, showcasing the rich cultural tapestry and natural wonders that make Edo State truly remarkable. By investing in infrastructure, promoting local attractions, and enhancing visitor experiences, we’ll attract tourists from far and wide, creating jobs and boosting our economy.

  • Focuses on tourism programs that highlight historical landmarks and cultural heritage, with an emphasis on improving infrastructure around the palace and other historical sites.
  • To revive the tradition of bronze casting and carvings, with the IGUN community playing a central role
  • To promote the cultural roots of the IGWE festival and encourage everyone from the Bini kingdom to embrace it
  • Aggressive investment and collaboration with the Palace leading to a strong revival in the tourism sector.

Join us in embracing our cultural heritage and unlocking the full potential of Edo State’s tourism sector!

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