Cultivating a Brighter Future: A Government that will be Committed to Agricultural Prosperity.

From Farm to Table – Empowering Agriculture in Edo State. Our mission is to revolutionize the agricultural sector and improve the livelihoods of farmers. We will provide farmers with access to modern farming techniques, machinery, and technology to boost productivity. We will also establish agro-processing centers and support value-added products to create more opportunities for our farmers. Together, let us cultivate a prosperous and a sustainable agricultural industry that feeds our people and strengthens our economy.

Building a stronger Edo State, one industry at a time. Together, let's power progress and pave the way for a prosperous future. Vote for industrialization, vote for economic growth!

This will entail developing and building facilities around our seaports, such as fabrication yards, diving facilities, logistics platforms, etc, to support oil & gas operations in the Bight of Bini. This program will open up and expose our youth to growth opportunities in the oil & gas industries, both locally and internationally, further growing the fundamentals of our economy. We shall develop a program that encourages households to use alternative, renewable energy sources like solar, wind turbines, hydroelectric, etc. This will free up a considerable amount of energy for our industrial revolution.

Gideon Ikhinne interest is to revitalize Edo State's infrastructure and transportation systems for a seamless future. Let's connect communities, boost commerce, and ensure smoother journeys ahead. Vote for progress, vote for better roads and efficient transport networks!

A brighter future for Edo State: Transforming our infrastructure and transportation for a thriving economy. Together, we will build modern roads, bridges, and transport hubs to connect every corner of our state. With improved transport systems, we’ll unlock opportunities, enhance trade, and empower our communities. Join us in shaping a prosperous Edo State, where seamless journeys lead to boundless progress!

Gideon Ikhine in his vision for a standardized educational system will Provide historic investments and resources in the lives of students in achieving record setting results in Edo state.

Empowering Minds, Shaping the Futures – A New Era of Education in Edo State. Our plan is to revolutionize the education system, prioritizing quality, accessibility, and innovation. Together, let us  unlock the full potential of every child, equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. Join us in building a brighter future through education.

  • Establish free high quality education for all.
  • Take Children off the streets and back into school or in skilled training programs..
  • Ensure highest-ever high school graduation rates and lowest-ever high school drop-out rates.
  • Implement innovative restorative justice initiatives, leading to reduction in school violence and truancy.
  • Provide Scholarship programs.
  • Making a historic investment in Computer Science for all, giving all public school students basic computer science education.
  • providing adequate nutritional feeding programs for students.

Gideon Ikhine believes that access to adequate Healthcare is a Right for all. There will be unprecedented investments in healthcare, ensuring universal quality healthcare a reality in Edo State.

Healthy Lives, Stronger Communities – Transforming Healthcare in Edo State. Our vision is to ensure that every resident has access to affordable, high-quality healthcare services. We will invest in modernizing healthcare facilities, recruiting and training skilled medical professionals, and expanding coverage to underserved areas. Together, let’s build a healthier future where no one is left behind. Join us in making healthcare a top priority for all.

  • Will Launch EDO Care, guaranteeing universal quality healthcare for all Edolites.
  • Invest annually in programs to reduce drug overdose deaths
  • Life-saving experiences by continuously improve primary healthcare facilities sited in local governments.
  • Invest to stabilize and improve public hospitals.
  • Launch Center for Health Equity to serve vulnerable communities.
  • Health Policy reviews, universal precautions and patients’ rights.

Gideon Ikhine, to unlock the hidden treasures of Edo State, where history meets hospitality. Together, let's build a thriving tourism industry that ignites economic growth, preserves our cultural heritage, and welcomes visitors with open arms.

Exploring Edo State: Unveiling the beauty and heritage within. Together, we will revitalize our tourism industry, showcasing the rich cultural tapestry and natural wonders that make Edo State truly remarkable. By investing in infrastructure, promoting local attractions, and enhancing visitor experiences, we’ll attract tourists from far and wide, creating jobs and boosting our economy.

  • Focuses on tourism programs that highlight historical landmarks and cultural heritage, with an emphasis on improving infrastructure around the palace and other historical sites.
  • To revive the tradition of bronze casting and carvings, with the IGUN community playing a central role
  • To promote the cultural roots of the IGWE festival and encourage everyone from the Bini kingdom to embrace it
  • Aggressive investment and collaboration with the Palace leading to a strong revival in the tourism sector.

Join us in embracing our cultural heritage and unlocking the full potential of Edo State’s tourism sector!

Become a donor to help us reach our goal