Hope Alive to our Muslim family who are commencing 2020 Ramadan

Hope Alive to our Muslim family who are commencing 2020 Ramadan

The Prayer & Fasting period is coming at time we all need the Presence & Intervention of God in this Nation in particular & the world generally because of deadly COVID-19 that is beyond human comprehension.

We have socioeconomic challenging days ahead of us as a Nation: the medical facilities available to us as a Nation will not be able to cope & sustain with the wave of impending pandemic nor will our economy be able to cushion the after effect, considering the crash in the oil & gas sector globally.

The reality on ground today has revealed that our human wisdom & knowledge cannot save us in the days ahead without asking for God’s intervention.

As you commence this year’s Ramadan, I pray that God will strengthen all our Muslim family to pray for our Country in the the face of this difficult moment; your prayers this period will promote peace, unity, tolerance, harmony and peaceful coexistence amongst all Nigerians.

I am absolutely convinced that God will answer your prayers and before the end of this fasting period, God would have remembered us again as a Nation by healing our land with good health, wealth & prosperity.

May God bless you all.

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