I will make Orhionmwon Hub Of Agriculture In Edo, says Engr. Ikhine

I will make Orhionmwon Hub Of Agriculture In Edo, says Engr. Ikhine

By Ehichioya Steve Odion

A formidable aspirant in the forthcoming Edo 2024 Governorship election, on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Engr Gideon Ikhine aka Game Changer has promised to place Orhionmwon in the forefront in the agricultural programme of his government in order to provide food for the people and also grow the state’s revenue base.

He promised to establish a ranch and build agricultural outposts in Orhionmwon as a strategy to integrate and encourage the people there to take advantage of the agricultural programme and maximize its benefits on the people.

Engr. Ikhine made this known today at Abudu, Orihonmwon local government area in continuation of his campaign meeting with the party leadership to canvassed for nomination votes.

He said if the entire state becomes his constituency, he will replicate the developmental strides he brought to his community, adding that a man who has never grown wealth for himself cannot grow wealth for the state. He said he is in hurry to bring Edo back to where it is supposed to be.

“The day you give me your ticket you know that PDP is gone. I was the one who led the team that say no to third term in Edo Central. I led a team that produced a Senator for the first time in the history of Edo Central and other assembly members in the area for APC. Let us know where we are, where we are going. But those who do not understand the journey will fail by the way side. It has always been my dream to become the governor of Edo State and I have never failed in my venture”.

“What I have is a vision for the people of Edo State and I want the people to key into it. Government is a serious business that requires a serious person to be in charge. If you cannot address where you are coming from, you cannot address anything when he get there”.

Ikhine said in the last 3 years, he recruited 12 persons to work and research on the challenges confronting the state and they have since submitted their report and I discovered that Edo is bleeding.

“So if the party members make up their minds to give me the ticket, you will not be disappointed. And I assure you that I will dismantle other party’s candidates in the election. I am prepared for the job”.

In his response, the party chairman of the local government, Julius Agbonze promised Engr. Ikhine that Orhionmwon people will speak with one voice and support him without any division.

“We are satisfied with the programme you presented to us and will report back to our leaders to join us to support you because we believe you can lead the party to victory in the Governorship election

EDO 2024 Polls: Youth Empowerment Will Take Centre Stage In My Govt. If Elected Governor – Engr. Ikhine

EDO 2024 Polls: Youth Empowerment Will Take Centre Stage In My Govt. If Elected Governor – Engr. Ikhine

By Ehichioya Steve Odion

The need for the practical involvement of the youth in the governance of Edo State to engender concerted development took the center stage on Friday when Engr Gideon Ikhine addressed leaders and members of the All Progressives Congress in Ikppba Okha and Uhunmwode local government areas of Edo State

Ikhine, a foremost aspirant for the Edo 2024 governorship contest on the platform of the APC said the failure by successive governments to effectively, meaningfully engage the youth was responsible for the absence of actual growth and development, assuring that his administration when elected governor will make youth engagement the central focus of the administration.

He said if the youths are properly empowered they will not involve in social vices and other things that may serve as distraction. He advised the youths to work hard and take the coming election seriously and work for him to emerge as the party’s candidate because he is in the race and working for a brighter future for them.

The Odiboh-Oba expressing his appreciation to Engr Ikhine vision on Tourism in showcasing Bini Kingdom values

He further said that he does have an ambition but a vision to restore the glory of Edo and its people, adding that unlike craving for the exalted office of governor as could be perceived in the voult ambitions of some politicians all bent against the interest of the ordinary Edo people, but for their self enrichment as well as their family, friends and associates.

“I’m not running for the governorship because I am an Esan man. But I’m running because I’m a son of Benn Kingdom as well. I want Edo people to buy into my vision in order to restore hope for the people”.

“I’m one of the best candidates who actually prepared for this Governorship project having worked night and day to carry out a research in order to be abreast with the problems of Edo State before embarking on this journey”.

He said his plan is to remove APC from opposition in Edo State with the support of Party members in the state, adding that he is the only candidate that can achieve that for the party having grown a broad support base cutting across the three senatorial districts.
He therefore appealed to the leadership of the party to give him the party’s ticket and vowed to dislodge other guber candidates from other political parties in the state.

Continuing, he said in order to be able give Edo people a speedy development he will try and reduce the cost of governmance because the essence of governance is to reduce the sufferings of the people and make sure they live a better life.

He again called on the leadership of the party to consider him for the job and promised to give proper accountability to the leadership of the party and Edo people in general.

In their responses, the chairmen of the respective local government areas visited, Hon. Sunny Ogbewe and Rt. Hon. Osawe Osajemwenre said that with the program presented by Engr. Gideon Ikhine it simply means that the party has gotten a candidate that will win election for the party.

They appealed to the leadership of the party to consider competence and capability of the respective aspirants to win election for the party and not to compromise by presenting a weak candidate that will fail the party.

EDO 2024: Don’t thrust yourself forward If you aren’t Abreast with Edo Problems, Engr Ikhine tasks fellow aspirants

EDO 2024: Don’t thrust yourself forward If you aren’t Abreast with Edo Problems, Engr Ikhine tasks fellow aspirants

By Ehichioya Steve Odion

Leading aspirant in the forthcoming Edo 2024 Gubernatorial election, on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, popularly called the Game Changer, Engr. Gideon Ikhine has reiterated the need for the party to consider his nomination as the candidate of the party if they must win the next Governorship election in Edo.

He charged those he called pretenders in the guber race to excuse themselves from the contest since they have no idea of the problems confronting Edo State let alone have the solutions, adding that he has since completed a detailed research on challenges confronting the state in addition to how to resolve them for the benefut of all.

A cross section of Oredo Leaders listening attentively as Engr Gideon ikhine share his vision

Ikhine stated this today during his tour of Egor and Oredo Local Government areas in continuation of his consultation/meeting with the leadership of the party in those localities.

“I don’t have the powers to send my self to the seat of power, you are the ones that have such power to send me as your son. And I will deliver base on the vision I have for Edo people. I have the capability to dislodge candidates of other political parties during the election. Let us not be sentimemtal about our election but rather work hard to win the election without relying on federal might”.

He again said that if we have to move forward as a state, we must have someone that will unify the people and enhance the lives of the people, adding that he is the most qualified to make Edo state the destination of choice in the global arena.

Engr Gideon Ikhine and the Director General of the Beacon of Hope Team.

Continuing, Ikhine promised to build a strong Civil Service that would promote standard and respect procedures. “If i don’t have the will power to grow the institution of the public service, no need coming into government.

“In four years every road in Edo will be motorable because I am into the business of construction. I have what it takes to fix the problems of bad roads which has become endemic in recent years. I will introduce Public Works Department that would be in charge of maintaining the roads and I will set up a regulatory board that will supervise the work. He further said that he will establish asphalt manufacturing plants in the three senatorial districts of the state.

On agricultural sector, he promised to invest greatly in the system and encourage all Edo people to take advantage of government’s support to grow their farms for increased food production in the state taking full advantage of the vast arable land.

The chairmen of the two local government areas, Egor and Oredo, Chief Emma Imayase and Osamudiamen Osarenkhoe resoectively, described Engr. Gideon Ikhine as a well known political guru in the state who has the capability of giving APC victory in the Edo Governorship election.

They said his brilliant presentation at the occasion is enough to give him the Party’s ticket having spoken on salient issues presently affecting Edo State. They further said that it simply shows that the guber hopeful is abreast with the problems of Edo State

“You have won the heart of our members today with your wonderful speech. It means you have been preparing for this gornorship project. Today your coming has changed the narrative about you having spoken brilliantly”.

EDO 2024: I Will Form A Unity Govt, Liberate Edo From Retrogression

EDO 2024: I Will Form A Unity Govt, Liberate Edo From Retrogression

Foremost governorship aspirant in the Edo State gubernatorial election, on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Engr. Gideon Ikhine, aka Game Changer has promised to form a government that will unite the people of Edo State and bring the needed progress for the benefit of Edo citizens.

He described himself as the best candidate for the job having carefully studied and appraised the challenges facing the state and devised workable strategies including the right capacity, capability, trust and credibility to solving them, stressing however that these were the right ingredients needed to win election that will return the party to the Government House

Engr Gideon Ikhine warmly received by Women leader of Ovia South West.

Engr. Ikhine disclosed this today during his visit to Okada, Ovia North East local government area, and Iguobazuwa, Ovia South West, to inform members of the party of his intention to run for Governorship position in Edo State.

He further said that in the past, elected officials always see themselves as independent, and therefore forget to render their stewardship to the people and recognise the surprimacy of the party, adding that his government will ensure the restoration party surprimacy and report directly to the state working committee as governor.

On security he promised to give back power to the traditional rulers and empower them in order to be able to take care of their respective domains.

“I came to beg you to send me and guide me to represent you as governor of Edo State, I promised to give to you all that you deserve as leaders and members. My government will not engage in activities that will encourage capital flight from the state. We will give opportunities to qualified Edo people to work for their state”.

Ikhine promised to develop and build the City centers which will also serve as industial areas and also collaborate with the Federal Government in a robust fashion to build the state.

Ikhine emphasised the need for Edo people to first of all identify who they are, adding that we all are from the great Benin Kingdom. He said if this is realized the problems in the state will reduce because everyone will join hand to develop it.

“Any responsible government must make its citizens to prosper through its Programme and policies, adding that he will empower the people through the execution of people oriented projects”.

In their responses, the people described Engr. Gideon Ikhine as a known person in Edo State whom they believe has the capability to solve Edo problems if elected, looking at his background from the private sector.

They assured him of their support during the primary electiion to enable him secure the Party’s ticket and wished him well.

Edo 2024: Ikhine meet with LGA chairmen.

Edo 2024: Ikhine meet with LGA chairmen.

Today, I had the privilege of being in the midst of our state APC LGA leaders. During my address to state local government party chairmen, I urged members to rally behind and support me in the primaries, emphasizing that the people attract the leaders they desire.

Gideon Ikhine in a group photograph with  LGA APC chairmen
Gideon Ikhine in a group photograph with LGA APC chairmen

I briefly discussed my plans to invest in tourism, agriculture, infrastructure, and the restructuring of the civil service.

Hon. Oscar Aghedo, the Ovia North East LGA Party chairman, expressed gratitude for my presentation, acknowledging my passion for developing Edo State and appreciating my knowledge and experience.

Gideon Ikhine presenting his vision to the LGA APC chairmen
Unveiling Humility: A Chance Encounter with Aspiring Leadership

Unveiling Humility: A Chance Encounter with Aspiring Leadership

By Ehigie Destiny.

In the bustling journey of life, we often cross paths with extraordinary individuals who leave an indelible mark on our experiences. Yesterday, on my voyage to Lagos in a traveling bus, I was unknowingly accompanied by none other than His Excellency Engr Gideon Ikhine, an aspiring leader with aspirations as grand as the landscape we traversed.

The bus hummed with the harmonious rhythm of wheels on the asphalt, blending seamlessly with the diverse conversations echoing within. Little did I know that amongst the passengers was a man on a mission, harboring dreams of guiding our state toward a brighter future.

What struck me most was the unassuming nature of this aspirant to the gubernatorial throne. In a world often defined by ostentation, His Excellency Engr Gideon Ikhine chose to remain incognito until we disembarked. His humility spoke volumes, transcending the usual trappings of political personas.

As we stepped onto the platform, His Excellency Engr Gideon Ikhine revealed his true identity, surprising everyone with his modesty. The revelation served as a poignant reminder that genuine leaders are not defined by the titles they carry, but by the sincerity with which they connect with the people they aspire to serve.

This chance encounter left me contemplating the essence of leadership. His Excellency Engr Gideon Ikhine demonstrated that humility is not a weakness but a strength, a bridge connecting leaders to the pulse of the people. In a society thirsty for authenticity, his unpretentious demeanor was a breath of fresh air.

As I prepare to present this story to His Excellency, I am reminded that the foundation of a great leader is built on humility, empathy, and a genuine connection with the people. His Excellency Engr Gideon Ikhine has already shown that he understands the heartbeat of the community, and his journey is one that resonates not only with political aspirations but with the aspirations of every citizen.

In a world often marked by grandiosity, let His Excellency Engr Gideon Ikhine story be a beacon of hope—a testament that the true power of leadership lies in the ability to walk humbly among the people, even in the most unexpected places.

Engr Ikhine met with coordinators

Engr Ikhine met with coordinators

oday, Engr. Gideon Ikhine, the frontrunner and aspirant of the APC in Edo State, hosted a meeting with his coordinators spanning the 18 local government areas of the state. He emphasized that everyone is an integral part of the APC, highlighting the party’s paramount importance.

In addressing his coordinators, he stressed the need to communicate their plans and vision effectively to the delegates. He urged them to wholeheartedly embrace his vision, emphasizing its collective significance in uniting them and aiding in persuading the public.

Engr. Ikhine underscored the coordinators’ role not just as organizers but as essential stakeholders and citizens of Edo State. Their active participation, he noted, is crucial for his candidacy to emerge successfully within the APC.

Engr Ikhine Engaging with youths

Engr Ikhine Engaging with youths

Engaging with the youth and the upcoming generation of leaders is crucial for understanding their perspectives on leadership and their expectations from us as leaders.

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet with some bright and talented individuals from Edo State. During the meeting, I shared my vision and plans for transforming Edo State into a destination of first choice for anyone coming to Africa. Additionally, I discussed my plans for the development of the Bini kingdom, as well as initiatives in sectors such as agriculture and transportation.

The interaction allowed me to address their queries on leadership and discuss the challenges they anticipate, particularly in the areas of employment and wealth creation. It was a privilege to take part in a dialogue that delved into the concerns of the younger generation.

I extend my gratitude to these young individuals for generously sharing their time and for believing in my message of hope and prosperity for all Edolites. The exchange was invaluable, providing insights that will contribute to the collective efforts in building a brighter future for Edo State.

Gideon Ikhine declare his vision to the APC State WC

Gideon Ikhine declare his vision to the APC State WC

This afternoon, I had the privilege of meeting with the State Working Committee of my party, the APC. I informed them of my intention to run for the office of Governor in Edo State in the upcoming 2024 election.

During the meeting, I had the opportunity to share my vision with the committee. My vision entails a transformative approach aimed at making Edo State a top choice for residents and visitors alike. This transformation will be achieved through a revolution in various key sectors, including industry, agriculture, tourism, and transportation.

Following the productive meeting with the State Working Committee, I was joined by my dedicated supporters and well-wishers for the official dedication and opening of my campaign office. This event was an excellent platform for me to engage with members of the press, where I fielded questions and highlighted some of my plans to revitalize the state’s economy and infrastructure.

In the days to come, I will embark on a state-wide tour to connect with our party leaders and stakeholders. I am committed to seeking their support and understanding as we work together to bring about the positive change that Edo State deserves.

My mission is to lead Edo State into a brighter and more prosperous future, and with the support of our party and the people of the state, I am confident that we can achieve this goal. Together, we will build a better Edo State for all.

Engr. Gideon Ikhine Launches His Gubernatorial Campaign in Esan West

Engr. Gideon Ikhine Launches His Gubernatorial Campaign in Esan West

Engr. Gideon Ikhine, the frontrunner of the APC and a gubernatorial aspirant, officially commenced his gubernatorial campaign in his Local Government Area, Esan West, today. During the campaign launch, Engr. Ikhine expressed his gratitude to the party leadership for their warm welcome and shared his motivation for seeking the party’s nomination to contest the 2024 governorship election.

In his address to the enthusiastic crowd of supporters, Engr. Ikhine unveiled his comprehensive plans for the development of Edo State and called upon the people to rally behind him in order to alleviate the state’s current debt burden.

Barr. Festus Ehiemua, the party chairman of Ward 7 in Esan West, commended Engr. Gideon Ikhine for his unwavering dedication to the APC. He congratulated him and encouraged him to maintain a steadfast commitment to engaging with leaders at the ward and local government levels across the state. Barr. Festus assured Engr. Ikhine of Ward 7’s unwavering support and urged other leaders to join in endorsing his candidacy.

Additionally, Mr. Godday Okhilu, the Esan West APC chairman, extended words of encouragement to Engr. Ikhine and offered his prayers for success in his aspiration to become the next governor of Edo State.