EDO 2024: I Will Form A Unity Govt, Liberate Edo From Retrogression

EDO 2024: I Will Form A Unity Govt, Liberate Edo From Retrogression

Foremost governorship aspirant in the Edo State gubernatorial election, on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Engr. Gideon Ikhine, aka Game Changer has promised to form a government that will unite the people of Edo State and bring the needed progress for the benefit of Edo citizens.

He described himself as the best candidate for the job having carefully studied and appraised the challenges facing the state and devised workable strategies including the right capacity, capability, trust and credibility to solving them, stressing however that these were the right ingredients needed to win election that will return the party to the Government House

Engr Gideon Ikhine warmly received by Women leader of Ovia South West.

Engr. Ikhine disclosed this today during his visit to Okada, Ovia North East local government area, and Iguobazuwa, Ovia South West, to inform members of the party of his intention to run for Governorship position in Edo State.

He further said that in the past, elected officials always see themselves as independent, and therefore forget to render their stewardship to the people and recognise the surprimacy of the party, adding that his government will ensure the restoration party surprimacy and report directly to the state working committee as governor.

On security he promised to give back power to the traditional rulers and empower them in order to be able to take care of their respective domains.

“I came to beg you to send me and guide me to represent you as governor of Edo State, I promised to give to you all that you deserve as leaders and members. My government will not engage in activities that will encourage capital flight from the state. We will give opportunities to qualified Edo people to work for their state”.

Ikhine promised to develop and build the City centers which will also serve as industial areas and also collaborate with the Federal Government in a robust fashion to build the state.

Ikhine emphasised the need for Edo people to first of all identify who they are, adding that we all are from the great Benin Kingdom. He said if this is realized the problems in the state will reduce because everyone will join hand to develop it.

“Any responsible government must make its citizens to prosper through its Programme and policies, adding that he will empower the people through the execution of people oriented projects”.

In their responses, the people described Engr. Gideon Ikhine as a known person in Edo State whom they believe has the capability to solve Edo problems if elected, looking at his background from the private sector.

They assured him of their support during the primary electiion to enable him secure the Party’s ticket and wished him well.

Engr Ikhine met with coordinators

Engr Ikhine met with coordinators

oday, Engr. Gideon Ikhine, the frontrunner and aspirant of the APC in Edo State, hosted a meeting with his coordinators spanning the 18 local government areas of the state. He emphasized that everyone is an integral part of the APC, highlighting the party’s paramount importance.

In addressing his coordinators, he stressed the need to communicate their plans and vision effectively to the delegates. He urged them to wholeheartedly embrace his vision, emphasizing its collective significance in uniting them and aiding in persuading the public.

Engr. Ikhine underscored the coordinators’ role not just as organizers but as essential stakeholders and citizens of Edo State. Their active participation, he noted, is crucial for his candidacy to emerge successfully within the APC.

Engr Ikhine Engaging with youths

Engr Ikhine Engaging with youths

Engaging with the youth and the upcoming generation of leaders is crucial for understanding their perspectives on leadership and their expectations from us as leaders.

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet with some bright and talented individuals from Edo State. During the meeting, I shared my vision and plans for transforming Edo State into a destination of first choice for anyone coming to Africa. Additionally, I discussed my plans for the development of the Bini kingdom, as well as initiatives in sectors such as agriculture and transportation.

The interaction allowed me to address their queries on leadership and discuss the challenges they anticipate, particularly in the areas of employment and wealth creation. It was a privilege to take part in a dialogue that delved into the concerns of the younger generation.

I extend my gratitude to these young individuals for generously sharing their time and for believing in my message of hope and prosperity for all Edolites. The exchange was invaluable, providing insights that will contribute to the collective efforts in building a brighter future for Edo State.

Gideon Ikhine declare his vision to the APC State WC

Gideon Ikhine declare his vision to the APC State WC

This afternoon, I had the privilege of meeting with the State Working Committee of my party, the APC. I informed them of my intention to run for the office of Governor in Edo State in the upcoming 2024 election.

During the meeting, I had the opportunity to share my vision with the committee. My vision entails a transformative approach aimed at making Edo State a top choice for residents and visitors alike. This transformation will be achieved through a revolution in various key sectors, including industry, agriculture, tourism, and transportation.

Following the productive meeting with the State Working Committee, I was joined by my dedicated supporters and well-wishers for the official dedication and opening of my campaign office. This event was an excellent platform for me to engage with members of the press, where I fielded questions and highlighted some of my plans to revitalize the state’s economy and infrastructure.

In the days to come, I will embark on a state-wide tour to connect with our party leaders and stakeholders. I am committed to seeking their support and understanding as we work together to bring about the positive change that Edo State deserves.

My mission is to lead Edo State into a brighter and more prosperous future, and with the support of our party and the people of the state, I am confident that we can achieve this goal. Together, we will build a better Edo State for all.

Engr. Gideon Ikhine Launches His Gubernatorial Campaign in Esan West

Engr. Gideon Ikhine Launches His Gubernatorial Campaign in Esan West

Engr. Gideon Ikhine, the frontrunner of the APC and a gubernatorial aspirant, officially commenced his gubernatorial campaign in his Local Government Area, Esan West, today. During the campaign launch, Engr. Ikhine expressed his gratitude to the party leadership for their warm welcome and shared his motivation for seeking the party’s nomination to contest the 2024 governorship election.

In his address to the enthusiastic crowd of supporters, Engr. Ikhine unveiled his comprehensive plans for the development of Edo State and called upon the people to rally behind him in order to alleviate the state’s current debt burden.

Barr. Festus Ehiemua, the party chairman of Ward 7 in Esan West, commended Engr. Gideon Ikhine for his unwavering dedication to the APC. He congratulated him and encouraged him to maintain a steadfast commitment to engaging with leaders at the ward and local government levels across the state. Barr. Festus assured Engr. Ikhine of Ward 7’s unwavering support and urged other leaders to join in endorsing his candidacy.

Additionally, Mr. Godday Okhilu, the Esan West APC chairman, extended words of encouragement to Engr. Ikhine and offered his prayers for success in his aspiration to become the next governor of Edo State.




There is no doubt that the capacity, academic status, personal achievements, political sagacity and integrity of the governorship candidate of our party will influence about 40% of the voters in an enlightened state like Edo state. It therefore beholds on the delegates, to take a critical look at the attributes of the aspirants vis-a-vis the above mentioned attributes before making a choice.

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Gideon Ikhine is a Nigerian engineer and politician, Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNSE) and a member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). A 1990 graduate of Engineering from the University of Benin, Benin City where he obtained a Second-Class (B. Eng.) honours in Civil Engineering. He has attended several training programmes locally and internationally.

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